How to tell your child you have been diagnosed with Cancer. And this is why I wrote The Pink Sun.
Over a year ago I had the incredible opportunity to join the immense field of oncology. It was a journey of awareness around cancer that I did not anticipate, giving me a much deeper understanding of cancer and its array of treatments. It, however, became alarmingly apparent that the impact of this disease on people […]
‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle with Liam, the Smart Rabbit’ by Azaliya Schulz Recognized by Readers’ Favorite Book Award 2023.
‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle with Liam, the Smart Rabbit’ children’s picture book won a finalist nomination in Readers’ Favorite International Book Award 2023 in the Social Issues category. It competed with thousands of books from around the world. Plastic pollution is one of the most pressing environmental issues of our time. A world dominated by single-use […]
Teaching Kids to Live a Sustainable Lifestyle.
It’s never too early to teach your children the importance of living a sustainable lifestyle. From recycling and composting to reducing their energy consumption, there are so many simple steps that young kids can take to create a more sustainable world. Below are some tips on how to get your kids involved in making a […]
Your 1 straw equals 7.5 million straws that contribute to plastic waste.
That headline may be confusing, but if each person changes behavior by simply refusing to use a straw, the collective effect of the outcome is enormous. Single-use plastic straws are among the top 10 contributors to plastic marine debris across the globe. Scientists estimate there are nearly 7.5 million straws lying around America’s shorelines. This is […]
How to Build Confidence in Kids.
Helping children to build confidence can have a long-lasting impact on their success throughout life. It can be difficult to know how to best provide the right kind of encouragement and support, but there are certain strategies that can help foster healthy self-esteem in kids. Create a positive, nurturing environment. One key factor in encouraging […]
Simple tips how your family can reduce single use plastic.
Plastic pollution is one of the most pressing environmental issues of our time. A world dominated by single-use plastic goods makes it overwhelming for families to find simple solutions to reduce their waste. Reducing plastic consumption isn’t easy and as a result, we tend to give up and turn a blind eye to the issue […]